Apply for a TFN for business

Companies, trusts, partnerships, deceased estates and many other organisations can apply for a tax file number (TFN) online. Most businesses or organisations can apply for a TFN while completing their ABN application.

Note: You can't always apply for a TFN using the ABN application – See Who can’t apply online.

Apply for a TFNExternal link

Depending on your circumstances, provide the following information in your application to help it be processed faster:

  • Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN)
  • business physical locations
  • authorised contacts
  • associate's details – including name, date of birth and TFN. If an associated individual chooses not to provide their TFN, you will be asked to provide their residential address.
  • business activity.

Who can’t apply online

You can't apply for a TFN using the ABN application if you are a:

  • super fund
  • first home saver accounts trust
  • individual
  • sole trader.

Individuals or sole traders who don't already have an individual TFN will need to apply for a TFNExternal link.

See also:

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