Cancel your ABN
You should cancel your ABN if your business:
- has been sold
- has closed down
- is no longer operating in Australia or making supplies connected with Australia.
Before you cancel your ABN, ensure you meet any lodgment, reporting and payment obligations with any government agencies you deal with.
If you want to cancel your pay as you go withholding, you must cancel it before you cancel your ABN.
How to cancel your ABN
You can cancel your Australian business number (ABN) online using Digital ID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM). All changes you make online to your ABN will take effect immediately.
If you're unable to cancel your ABN using the link above, you can contact us or lodge a form by mail.
Cancelling an ABN will cancel:
- registrations for goods and services tax (GST), luxury car tax (LCT), wine equalisation tax (WET) and fuel tax credits (FTC)
- any authorised relationships between your myID and your ABN.
See also
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