Update your ABN details
It's your responsibility to maintain your Australian business number (ABN) details.
You must update your details within 28 days of becoming aware of changes.
On this page
- Why update your ABN details
- How to update your details
- Key changes to ABN details
- What can’t be updated
Why update your ABN details
Updating your ABN details is important to ensure:
- the right people have the right permissions to act on behalf of a business
- government agencies have up-to-date information – which can be used by emergency services or other agencies to contact businesses or provide targeted assistance in times of emergency
- you’re ready for new government services when they become available
- your ABN accurately reflects the range of business activities you undertake.
We continue to improve our services by adding new features to ABR online services. Key changes to ABR online services has information about these enhancements and what you need to do.
How to update your ABN details
The fastest way to update your details is through ABR online services. Log in using Digital ID and Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM):
Digital ID is a safe, secure and convenient way to prove and reuse your ID online.
All changes made to your ABN online will take effect immediately. There are details you can’t change in ABR online services, see What can’t be updated.
If you can't access ABR online services, you can:
- contact us
- ask your tax professional to update your details
- complete and mail a form.
If you’re a not-for-profit organisation that needs to update your details before you can access ABR online services, follow these steps to notify us of any changes.
Key changes to ABR details
We continue to add new services and features to ABR online services that:
- align to legislative changes
- enhance the service, for example making it easier for government and other agencies to provide help in a natural disaster.
It’s important to check your details and recent updates to the service. This makes it easier for government and other agencies to provide help when needed and prevents unnecessary contact from us.
Additional business activities
In addition to your main business activity, you can register an additional 4 business activities and the associated Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) code.
For example, if you’re running a winery you may have your main business activity listed as Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing (1214). If you also offer accommodation, a restaurant and a bus service, you can add ANZSIC or business industry codes such as
- Liquor Retailing (4123)
- Accommodation (4400)
- Cafes and Restaurants (4511)
- Tour operator, bus, short distance (50100).
Adding business activities
To add business activities, complete the following steps.
- Log in to the ABR using your Digital id, such as myID and select Update ABN record.
- Select ANZSIC and business details then Update ABN record.
- Select ANZSIC and business details then Additional business activity at
- Describing the business activity – type a short description that best describes the business activity to search for in the categories
- select the drop-down menu and the Category that best matches your business activity
- ANZSIC Code & description – this will automatically update based on what activity and category you have selected.
- Select Declaration and Submit.
- To add additional business activities, repeat the steps above from step 2.
Check your main business address
Your business or organisation’s address may not have changed since you registered for an ABN. We still need you to check that we have the location of your business listed on the ABR.
Your main business address should not be a post office box or tax or BAS agent address. We need to know the physical street address of your business or organisation. You can still use a different postal address to receive communications from us.
To check or update your business address, complete the following steps.
- Log in to ABR online services and select Update ABN record.
- Select Business address – this needs to be the physical location of the business or organisation (street address), update if needed.
- Select Postal address – include the postal address you want us to send your communication to, this could be your tax or BAS agent’s address, post office box or your main business address, update if needed.
- Select Additional location – if you have other address locations for your business, these should also be the street address of the business.
- Check all other contact information is current.
- Select Declaration and Submit.
What can't be updated
You can't update:
- business names
- legal names for individuals and sole traders who need to contact the ATO directly
- legal names for companies registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC).
Name changes made by the ATO and ASIC will update the ABR automatically.