Cancel your client’s ABN

You should request the cancellation of your client's ABN if their business:

  • has been sold
  • has closed down
  • no longer operates in Australia or makes supplies connected with Australia
  • experiences the death of the registered owner of the ABN.

Before you cancel your client's ABN, ensure all lodgment, reporting and payment obligations with any government agencies the business deals with are met.

If you want to cancel your client's pay as you go withholding, you must cancel it before you cancel the ABN.

How to cancel an ABN

The fastest way to cancel your client's Australian business number (ABN) is online through the ABR’s Tax professional’s services using your Digital ID, such as myID. You must have already linked to your client through ATO Online services for agents.

All changes made to your client’s ABN will take effect immediately if done through Tax professional’s services.

Log in to Tax professional's services:

Digital ID is a safe, secure and convenient way to prove and reuse your ID online.

Note: The ABR Dashboard provides current information about ABR availability.

Cancelling an ABN will cancel:

  • registrations for goods and services tax (GST)
  • luxury car tax (LCT)
  • wine equalisation tax (WET)
  • fuel tax credits (FTC)
  • any authorised relationships between an ABN and a myID.

Note: If you're unable to update your client's details using the Tax professional’s services link you can contact us by phone or lodge a form by mail.

See also


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