ABR Data Dictionary
The Australian Business Register (ABR) Data Dictionary is a resource to assist users when receiving data from the ABR.
The dictionary uses the Standard Business Reporting (SBR) definitional taxonomy and contains definitions for the ABR data:
- field groups
- field names and their business descriptions
- bulk data file specifications.
ABR data is provided in bulk data files and is available for download using ABR Explorer.
The ABR bulk data files are organised into the following types of data files:
- Agency file
- This is the data file for agency details.
- Associates file
- This is the data file for associates' details.
- Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) file
- This file shows the registration date and status of a Charity.
- Business location file
- This is the data file for business location details.
- Business name file
- This is the data file for business name details.
- Funds file
- This is the data file for funds' details.
- Other trading names file
- This is the data file for other trading names' details.
- Replaced ABN file
- This is the data file for replaced ABN details.
- Entity mapping file
- The entity mapping file is contained in the ABR extract file and can be linked to the Agency Data file using the Entity Type Code.
- Authorised contacts file
- This is a separate data file of authorised contacts for active ABNs.
- Returned mail file
- This is a separate data file of entities whose mail has been returned as unclaimed or undeliverable from either the ‘Main business location’ or the ‘Service of notice’ address.
- Start dates file
- This is a separate data file of start dates for the key main business location fields and key service of notice fields.
- Application date
- This is the data file for the application date.
- Additional ANZSIC codes
- This is the data file for the additional ANZSIC codes.
- Appendix B - Name
- AS 4590-2006 Standard. Appendix A - Table A1: Name Title Abbreviations
- Appendix C - Name suffix
- As 4590-2006 Standard - Appendix A - Table A2: Name Suffix Abbreviations
- Appendix D - Associate relationship type
- Associate relationship type
- Appendix E - Fund role type code
- Fund role type code
- Appendix F - Division mapping data
- Industry division mapping data that could be used to link the ANZSIC to the Agency data file.
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